IPFS 101 Pt 3: Installing IPFS

Juliette Rocco
5 min readJan 20, 2021

In this tutorial, we install IPFS and learn its basic commands.


Familiar with the command line and IPFS concepts.


There are 3 ways to install IPFS:

In this post, we install from a prebuilt package. Download the appropriate binary from the link above.

Unzip the package where you want to store the IPFS binary, and add the IPFS binary to your PATH.

Open your terminal and try the following to test your install works:

Note: For Windows users, I recommend Powershell over Command Prompt.

ipfs help

That’s It! You now have the IPFS installation on your machine.


Before we can use IPFS, we must initialize a local repository. This repository contains the settings and internal data for your user account. It also generates a peer identity key to sign any content you create cryptographically.

ipfs init

The init command outputs your peer identity key. This key is similar to an account number. The init command suggests the following command to try:

ipfs cat /ipfs/QmYwAPJzv5CZsnA625s3Xf2nemtYgPpHdWEz79ojWnPbdG/readme

You should see something like the below:

Hello and Welcome to IPFS!██╗██████╗ ███████╗███████╗
██║██████╔╝█████╗ ███████╗
██║██╔═══╝ ██╔══╝ ╚════██║
██║██║ ██║ ███████║
╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚══════╝
If you see this, you have successfully installed
IPFS and are now interfacing with the ipfs merkledag!
| Warning: |
| This is alpha software. use at your own discretion! |
| Much is missing or lacking polish. There are bugs. |
| Not yet secure. Read the security notes for more. |
Check out some of the other files in this directory:./about
./quick-start <-- usage examples
./readme <-- this file

You can try the other files suggested by replacing readme in the last command.

It’s important to know where your IPFS repository is located because this is where all your content is stored. The default location is an .ipfs folder in your home folder.

Basic Commands

Note: The quick start guide from the readme gives a list of all commands to assist with getting started.

Navigate to a directory where you would like to create a file and try the following:

mkdir hello-ipfs
cd hello-ipfs

Now let’s create a file inside this folder.

echo "hello world 1" > helloworld.txt

The text file helloworld.txt contains “hello world 1”. Next, add the file to IPFS.

ipfs add helloworld.txt

You see the following output:

added QmYBmnUzkvvLxPksYUBGHy2sqbvwskLQw5gK6whxHGcsa8 helloworld.txt

The combination of letters and numbers is the hash that’s associated with this text file. The hash is created based on the contents of the file. If you change the contents of the file, the hash changes, save this hash to access the file later on.

Reading Content

Without using IPFS, we can read the contents of the helloworld.txt file with the following command:

cat mytextfiletxt

We can read it through IPFS as well. Using the hash generated earlier, enter the following to return the contents of the file:

ipfs cat QmYBmnUzkvvLxPksYUBGHy2sqbvwskLQw5gK6whxHGcsa8

Changing the Content

Let’s see what happens if we change the text inside our helloworld.txt file.

$ echo "hello world 2" > helloworld.txt
$ ipfs add helloworld.txt`
> added QmfEKnXvgW7gbbxPj7e3LF4ZsaX8hxW427ASiGUKXDUZnB$ cat helloworld.txt
> hello world 2

We changed the text to say “hello world 2” and when we added it to IPFS, we received a new hash. Using the cat command, we see that our helloworld.txt file was updated with the new text.

It’s also possible to still read the “hello world 1” phrase that we had earlier.

$ ipfs cat QmYBmnUzkvvLxPksYUBGHy2sqbvwskLQw5gK6whxHGcsa8
> hello world 1
$ cat helloworld.txt
> hello world 2

Using the first hash, IPFS outputs “hello world 1”. We read the contents of the hash rather than the contents of the file. Reading the helloworld.txt file we see that the contents haven’t changed.

We can revert to the “hello world 1” text if we wish.

$ ipfs cat QmYBmnUzkvvLxPksYUBGHy2sqbvwskLQw5gK6whxHGcsa8 > helloworld.txt
$ cat helloworld.txt
> hello world 1


As mentioned earlier, content on your node stays there for a short period. Pinning allows you to tell IPFS what you want to keep for an extended period.

Using the file, we created earlier, use the command below to pin it:

ipfs pin add QmYBmnUzkvvLxPksYUBGHy2sqbvwskLQw5gK6whxHGcsa8

Once pinned, it stays on our node. Let’s see what happens when we try to clean our node of all hosted files (garbage collection):

$ ipfs repo gc
$ ipfs cat QmYBmnUzkvvLxPksYUBGHy2sqbvwskLQw5gK6whxHGcsa8
> hello world 1

We couldn’t collect the file couldn’t because we pinned to our node.

Remove a Pin

ipfs pin rm QmYBmnUzkvvLxPksYUBGHy2sqbvwskLQw5gK6whxHGcsa8
ipfs repo gc
ipfs cat QmYBmnUzkvvLxPksYUBGHy2sqbvwskLQw5gK6whxHGcsa8

The first command removes the pin. When we garbage collect, it’s removed from our node. The file is still available in our local directory stored on our computer, but we are no longer hosting it on the node.

Connecting to the Web

So far we’ve worked with IPFS locally. Now we’re ready to try things online. Open another terminal and run the daemon command.

ipfs daemon

The daemon allows us to interact with the IPFS network through localhost in our browser. Switch back to the other terminal to take a look at our peers.

ipfs swarm peers

This command results in a bunch of addresses flashing across the terminal. We opened the swarm component that allows us to listen and maintain connections with other peers on the network. The peers command allows us to see every peer that has an open connection.

Note: If you ever get an error message saying “API not found,” run the daemon command and continue where you left off. To ensure that IPFS runs correctly it is suggested to run the daemon command every time you use IPFS, even locally.

We’ve successfully connected to the IPFS network and from here can get content from other nodes if we know the hash of the content.

If we know the hash of a file and want to save it on our computer we can do the following:

ipfs name/ipfs/hash-here/name-of-file > name.jpg

We can also view a file directly in our browser using the path

You should see a picture of a dog. If you know the hash of another file, just replace the hash!

Web Console

Now that we’ve connected our node to the network we can use the IPFS Web Console.


In the console, we can:

  • check the status of your node
  • upload files to IPFS
  • explore files
  • see your peers
  • adjust settings for your node

The web console is the best tool for managing IPFS node.

Command Summary

We’ve covered the basics of working with IPFS. Here is a summary of all the commands covered, and a handful of other useful ones:

  • ipfs add name-of-file : Adds a file to IPFS.
  • ipfs cat hash-of-file : Shows the contents of the file.
  • ipfs pin add hash-of-file : Pin file to local IPFS storage.
  • ipfs pin rm hash-of-file : Removes pinned file from local IPFS storage.
  • ipfs repo gc : Removes files from IPFS storage.
  • ipfs daemon : Starts an online connection to the network.
  • ipfs swarm peers : List peers with open connections.
  • ipfs commands : Lists all commands.
  • ipfs id : Tells you your id as well as other node id information.
  • ipfs version : The version of IPFS you are running.
  • ipfs help : Provides you with help information.

Note: Try any command in the following format: ipfs base-command , and the terminal displays the usage of that command.

Originally published at https://kauri.io/



Juliette Rocco

A 2nd year Computer Engineering Student at the University of Waterloo